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04 Jul 2009 01:16 - 04 Jul 2009 01:32
Replied by on topic Magirus Deutz parts
Gidday Swish - Thanks for the heads up on the Magirus-Deutz .. I'd forgotten all about this thread. Yes, I owned a '64 Magirus Deutz Jupiter, just like the ole blue one pictured earlier. Fabulous old truck, and built like a Panzer tank.

The story is that Magirus were the cab/truck frame builders .. and Klockner-Humboldt-Deutz (to give them their full name - :) ) were the truck drivetrain builders. So you marry the two, and you get - Magirus-Deutz .. and Jupiter was the model. They had all kinds of fancy model names for the various Deutz trucks .. and yes, they were working throughout Australia in the 1950's.

Ole Reggie Ansett had a fleet of them, and ran them East-West, across that horror of a Nullarbor Road .. in the days when travelling 500 miles, meant covering 700 miles .. as you swerved and dodged the potholes that would swallow a semi. There were a few brave truckies running East-West at the same time, running Inter R-190's, a few AL and AS Inters .. and later AA and AB Inters.
The days of 34 foot single-strap McGrath trailers, no roadhouses, and carry half a dozen spares, and fix yer own flats by the campfire at night .. :)

The Deutzes that ole Reggie ran were the early VW-nose models, I don't know the official model name of them .. I actually owned one of Reggies Deutzes .. the brother and I bought it as a wreck, to keep our Jupiter going with cheap parts.
Unfortunately, the Ansett Deutzes used the earlier F8L614 .. but ours had the later F8L714. There were enough changes between the two engines to make individual parts swaps hard, so we just swapped the engines when the F8L714 died (we cooked it - :( )

The old girl did sterling service, and hauled our D7's for several years (illegal on single drive) until we bought our F785 Mack .. but the rear axle on those Jupiters was bullet proof. It was a single speed, single hub reduction, with barrel-roller bearings right through (all-position bearing - they will cope with massive axle flex - and they are worth a fortune to buy!) .. and the single axle is factory rated at 12 tonnes! (26,448 lbs in the old figures!).

I'll tell ya another interesting twist. Those Magirus cabs are WOODEN-FRAMED!! - yes .. even in the 60's, Magirus still built those cabs with wooden frames, just like the cars of the 1920's! I owned the truck for about 5 years, before I even found that out!

The cogbox in our Jupiter was a ZF 6 speed (6F and R on the one stick! - now that made for an interesting cog swap for newbies!) .. but later trucks (the ones with the F8L914 and the 4 headlights) had a 12 speed. They just added a splitter to the 6 speed, so there was another stick, with the 12 speed.

The F8L714 was 200 HP .. real horsepower for a single drive in 1964. Going from a Petrol R190 (406 Black Diamond, I think she was?) at 145 gutless petrol HP, into the Deutz .. was a real treat! She did 55 mph easily (man, that was FAST!), and the steering was manual, but relatively light .. and the brakes were good. A real Autobahn truck, the Huns knew how to build them!

The Deutzes had two annoying bugs .. the lights were 12V and the starter and generator were 24V. The batteries were in a big box under the passenger seat, and the starting system had a big complex switching arrangement that threw in 24V when you hit the start lever (it was big L-shaped lever that you twisted) .. and then switched back to 12V when you let the starter switch go. You'd get a big CLUNK under the seat, as the switch solenoid pulled in, and then another big CLUNK as the big ole CAV starter slammed home on the ring gear and started cranking. They started easily most times, and they had a glow plug setup for cold starts. You just heated the plugs for 30 secs or a minute and she'd fire right up.

The second bug was the braking system. It was German Westinghouse, and totally German in design and principles, and totally incompatible with any American Westinghouse braking system stuff. The brake boosters were an oddball, small diameter thing, that you couldn't get parts for, anywhere. We just robbed our spares truck and other wrecked Deutzes for parts .. no-one could ever afford Deutz prices, or a week of waiting for genuine spares.

The West Australian agent was Tuart Hill Trucks .. John Hare. THT is still in business in the exact same place as in the mid 1960's. I'm not sure if Johnny Hare is still alive. If he is, he must be around 85. I saw him a few years back on TV, and he looked pretty good. He was always a bit porky, but he never seemed to change. He sold quite a few Deutzes, but his parts backup was poor .. and the prices would cruel ya.

I remember one time, finding out that the ZF cogbox was the same as in a certain model Merc truck. So we waltzed over to Diesel Motors, the sniffy Merc agents who always treated ya like a piece of dog-sh#t that rolled in the door .. regardless of whether ya owned a Merc or not.
I went up to the parts counter and fronted the sniffy parts man and asked for the Deutz gearbox part by part number.
The sniffy number-puncher promptly pulled out his part book and asked me what model of Merc the cogbox was in.
I told him it wasn't in a Merc, it was in Deutz. Fatal error.

He slammed the book shut and promptly told me the part wasn't in stock .. without even looking. Naturally, since that episode, I have always had a great deal of time for Diesel Motors, and always will .. >:(

The old girl got retired due to the F785 Mack being purchased, and she languished in the scrap heap for 20 years. When the bank foreclosed on us, we had to sell everything, so I dragged her carcass down to Smith Broughton auctions, where someone bought her for $200. The cab still had very little rust in it.
I have no idea where she is now .. but I'd sure like to see her running again, and put a hand on the wheel again .. and listen to that big ole CAV starter crank her up, and hear that Deutz rattle again ..... ;)

Here's the only pic I have of her .. taken in 1973, fitted up with our brand new, Boomerang tandem, drop-deck float ..

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